Advancing Optical Technologies for Enhanced Quality Evaluation, Grading and Sorting of Sweetpotatoes (2022-2026, USDA-AMS-SCMP, $750,000)

This multi-state project aims to advance non-destructive optical technologies for enhanced quality evaluation, grading and sorting of sweetpotatoes. Specifically, this project will:

  1. develop computer algorithms for quantification and classification of appearance quality of sweetpotatoes using machine vision technology;
  2. evaluate hyperspectral and interactance imaging for detecting internal quality, including firmness, soluble solids, dry matter, and internal defects of sweetpotatoes;
  3. develop and evaluate an automated sweetpotato grading and sorting machine prototype.
Yuzhen Lu
Yuzhen Lu
Assistant Professor

My research interests include optical sensing, machine vision, precision agriculture, food assessment and data analytics.